A Christmas message – 2015 THANKS!!!
Merry Festive Season all!
This is just a short message – we would like to thank everyone that contributed to the Crew in some way over the course of 2015. It’s been a tough year, and a lot of effort has been put into the transition to the new ‘Table Bay Rovers’ and we hope that 2016 will give us the opportunity to really up all our new plans into action and give back to those in need in a much larger community. So a big, BIG, thank you shout to all our volunteers, partners and sponsors who’ve made it all possible – we can’t name you all on the internet but we wont forget đŸ™‚
This holiday season is always a time when families come together. Christian or not, this time of year has a way of bringing families and friends closer – but lets remember that this is not a possibility for most South Africans. Poverty, HIV, migrant labour, poor education and lack of access to state resources are just a few of these issues – each community is unique. So, without dampening our gleeful spirits, lets all try to take a few minutes out of schedules to think about where we can ‘give’. As the new year comes around, lets all make it our resolution for 2016 to do more for our fellow man, a small lifestyle change makes a huge difference. It’s actually easy to give back if we all band together – so lets do this!
Finally, I’ll leave you with some wise words from the founder of the Scout Movement, Robert Baden-Powell:
The main question of life is not “what can I get?”, but “what can I give?”
Happy Holidays!