Cub Adventure Series
The Cub Adventure Series is a group of 4 activities, designed to give senior 10 year old Cubs the chance to complete the interest badges needed in pursuit of their Leaping Wolf award, and revise any outstanding practical requirements the Leaping Wolf award itself. Cubs will have the opportunity to learn Scouting skills from our experienced Rovers, meet Akela’s from other packs and get a taste of the outdoor lifestyle they will be part of once they are old enough to join Scouts. On the Weekend your Cub will have the opportunity to work towards several award badges, and will gain some Scouting skills from our experienced tutors. As these will all be senior Cubs, we can give them a bit of a taste of the independence and outdoor lifestyle they will be able to enjoy when they get to Scouts.
These 4 activities are run throughout the year, so Cubs wanting to do all 4 should start near their 10th birthday. The Cub Adventure Series also includes “Explore the Environment”, “Navigate in Nature” and “Ready for Emergencies”. The Cub Adventure Series is the successor of the Cub Leaping Wolf Workshop Weekend.
At “Explore the Environment” will complete their World Scout Environment Badge, Food for Life Badge and their Recycling Interest Badge, and work through ideas and skills needed for the Leaping Wolf Greening The Community requirement.
The format of “Explore the Environment” will be a series of visits to local nature reserves and an overnight at the Table Bay Rover Den.
The next CAS: 1. “Explore the Environment” is scheduled for Q1 2018.
Cubs attending “Navigate in Nature” will complete their Hiking Interest Badge and their MiniSASS Interest Badge or Geocaching Interest Badge, and work through the navigation skills needed for the Gold Wolf Outdoor Challenge.
“Navigate in Nature” will be completed over a single Saturday, Cubs will be transported to 2 venues to complete their hiking expeditions.
The next CAS: 2. “Explore the Environment” is scheduled for Q2 2018.
At “Live in the Outdoors”, your Cub will have the opportunity to complete their Outdoorsman Interest Badge, and work through all the skills needed for the Gold Wolf Outdoor Challenge and the Leaping Wolf Scoutcraft Challenge. As these will all be senior Cubs, we can give them a bit of a taste of the independence and outdoor skills they will be able to enjoy when they get to Scouts.
The cost of “Live in the Outdoors” will be R250 per Cub. This covers all meals, specialized equipment and consumable materials that your Cub will be using during the activity
The next CAS: 3. “Live in the Outdoors” is scheduled for 21-22 October 2017.
Cubs attending “Ready for Emergencies” will complete their Civil Emergency Interest Badge and their First Aid & Health Interest Badge, and work through all the first aid and rescue skills needed for the Gold Wolf Outdoor Challenge
The next CAS: 4. “Ready for Emergencies” is scheduled for Q3 or Q4 2018.
Information for Pack Scouters:
The Table Bay Rovers will train and assess the skills required of Cubs to complete their interest badges during the events. Sufficient time is provided on the programme for each Cub to learn and have a chance to do these requirements for themselves. As these are senior Cubs, a reasonable level of competency is already expected and we cannot guarantee that a Cub will not be sent home with a few”re-do’s” before receiving the badge. Cubs will receive a completion certificate after the event, but awarding of the badges will be left to their Pack Scouter.
Skills required for the Leaping Wolf award will be covered in these event programmes, but Rovers are not assessing these skills for completion of the Leaping Wolf. We will impart the skills on the Cubs, and work through the various Leaping Wolf requirements in a practical way. Cubs will be given a page that they can add to their Leaping Wolf personal logbook, and we will annotate it with skills the Cub demonstrated proficiency in, but it is between the Cub and his/her Pack Scouter whether they have achieved the standards required of their Pack.